#!/usr/bin/env python from gimpfu import * import MySQLdb, random, math def gprint( text ): pdb.gimp_message(text) return def loop_name(col_or_ran, mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_pass, mysql_db, mysql_query) : db = MySQLdb.connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_pass, mysql_db ) cursor = db.cursor() limit_query = mysql_query + "LIMIT 36" cursor.execute(limit_query) results = cursor.fetchall() cnt = len(results) t = list(results) srt = t.sort(key=lambda tup: len(tup[0]), reverse=True) max_entry = t[0][0] text_info = pdb.gimp_text_get_extents_fontname(max_entry, 34, 0, "Hancock Ultra-Light") gprint(text_info) image_base = set_image() if (col_or_ran == "random"): for row in results: name = row[0] print_name_random(name,image_base) elif (col_or_ran == "columns"): for index in range(len(results)): name = results[index][0] #print_name_random(name, image_base) print_name_columns(name, image_base, index) db.close() def set_image() : # pass width = 700 height = 700 # create an image image = gimp.Image(width, height, RGB) image.undo_group_start() foreground = gimp.get_foreground(); textlayer = gimp.Layer(image, "Base Layer", image.width, image.height, RGB_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE) image.add_layer(textlayer, 0) pdb.gimp_drawable_fill(textlayer, 2) # transparent fill gimp.set_background(255, 255, 255) gimp.set_foreground(foreground) gimp.Display(image) image.undo_group_end() return image def print_name_random(text, image): random.seed() list = () for i in range(0,3): random.seed() list = list + (random.randrange(1,255,1),) color = list fontsize = random.randrange(20, 150, 1) random.seed() y = random.randrange(0,700, 1) random.seed() x = random.randrange(0,700, 1) x += math.ceil( -fontsize * len(text) * .5) y += math.ceil(-fontsize * .5) gimp.set_foreground(color) floattext = pdb.gimp_text_fontname( image, None, x, y, text, 10, 1, fontsize, PIXELS, "Hancock Ultra-Light") def print_name_columns(text, image, i): color = (0,0,255) fontsize = 20 col_length = 12 x = ((i - i%col_length)/col_length)*(fontsize * 10 + 24) + 4; y = (i%col_length)*(fontsize + 38) + 4 gimp.set_foreground(color) floattext = pdb.gimp_text_fontname( image, None, x, y, text, 10, 1, fontsize, PIXELS, "Hancock Ultra-Light") register( "mysql_exercise", "This is an exercise in applying MySQL to GIMP", "There are two functions available, one that \ disperses a list from MySQL randomly around an image \ and another that displays the same list in columns. \ This is a simple demonstration of what is possible \ when applying MySQL to GIMP with Python", "Paul Pikowsky", "Paul Pikowsky", "3/25/2013", "MySQL Exercise", "", [ (PF_RADIO, "col_or_ran", \ "Choose random or columns display", "random", (("Columns Display", "columns"), ("Random Display","random"))), (PF_STRING, "mysql_host", "Enter the address of the machine running\r\ your MySQL database. If your MySQL server\r\ is running on the same machine as this \r\ GIMP program, enter 'localhost'", ""), (PF_STRING, "mysql_user", "Enter the user name that you have given \r\ access to your database and table", "sakila"), (PF_STRING, "mysql_pass", "Enter the password that you have\r\ assigned your database user.", "T3$Mh00"), (PF_STRING, "mysql_db",\ "Enter the name of your database.", "sakila"), (PF_STRING, "mysql_query",\ "Enter an SQL query to retrieve some list of\r\ names. Leave the default entry to retrieve a list\r\ of names from the sakila VIEW 'customer_list'.\r\ The number of results is coded to be limited to\r\ 36 rows. See the script.",\ "SELECT name FROM `sakila`.`customer_list` WHERE country = 'United States'") ], [], loop_name, menu="/MyScripts" ) main()